Repressed Records: Depending On The Independent

Repressed records – “the independent store for independent people” is the latest music haunt to hit the streets of Newtown. Relocating after 6 years in Penrith, “Repressed” sells everything Psychedelic, Punk, Metal, Garage, Experimental, new and second hand, local and import releases.

In what is a massive coup for independent Sydney bands, the new kids on the block are offering themselves up as a platform for local musicians to get their wares out to the public. Therefore, if you fall into this category and have an album you would like to stop looking at and start selling – you need to get your keisters down to 356 King St and speak to owner Chris Sammut like Music Feeds did recently.

“We are an independent store that is trying to not conform to major label’s music. We want to help bands out there who do not necessarily have the backing of these labels – but who have had the drive to produce an album and now need a way of selling it to the public. If you are in a band in Sydney with a CD, we want you to come in and see us, tell us a bit about yourself, we will listen to you, and then work out how we can best help you get your music out there to the people of this city.”

Out of Newtown station, 2 blocks down, to the left near the performing arts school – really is choice cut real estate for the area and Sammet is utilising this mutually beneficial opportunity for both parties.

They are also offering a platform for local musicians to perform instore appearances to promote these albums. In view of having a regular Saturday afternoon live band performance, Adelaide based “Hit the Jackpot” are booked to play mid-August.

Chris is willing to give most acts a chance if they approach him to discuss putting on a show or Repressed stocking their albums. “Any sort of independent bands that are interesting and tying to do something different are invited to be stocked, we do it all by consignment – we will organise to put descriptions on albums to illustrate what buyers are getting themselves in for, we will introduce people to your product by playing it in the store. Basically we are here to help.”

Sammet admits that in the days of digital downloads; owning a record store, at times can be frustrating. Nevertheless, as he say’s “people are always going to want to buy albums. It is something to hold. Our aim is to keep music interesting and help people discover interesting music that they might not often be exposed to. We do not believe in shopping mall culture. People who purchase CDs are people who truly love music and want that whole package. We believe in music and the power that it has, it is something that everyone in the world can relate to.”

Repressed Records can be found at 356 King St, Newtown (next to one of the most un-hygienic café’s in the Inner West.) Ph: 9557 6237

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