Rock n Roll Reinvention: In The Air With NIGHTFIGHTER

NIGHTFIGHTER: An aircraft born to bring about the destruction of its enemies in the dead of night. Ahh, World War II fighter aircraft references, is there anything more indicative of a big ol’ boys club?

Previously known as Blackwater, NIGHTFIGHTER is a Sydney based rock band who will be hitting the live scene hard throughout 2009. A friendship beginning with Adam and Pete in their early teens, NF possess the confidence of years of experience playing together and this new moniker is symbolic of the great struggle it was to obliterate the old name.

Going through an excess of alternatives such as Gastro Boy, Canoe, Cyclone Treenis, Chasey Kamber’s Bukaki, Probe To Uranus and Vagina Town, the band checked every one of these ludicrous suggestions page by page on the ASIC website to see if it was registered already and whether it had a ridiculous amount of hits on myspace.

“I like the three word thing,” says drummer Sam of names like Black Ace Honey, Black Ace Something. He’s stuck on this Black Ace thing.

Someone cringes, “Monkey, now you are just putting words together that have no meaning. What about Silvershot?”

“Sounds GHEY. It sounds like taking a cum shot unawares in the middle of the night.”

“How about Sztuka? It’s Polish…”

“Fuck no. Racist connotations. Learn your history,” says Jez on Bass.

Tough crowd. In amongst the screwing around, beer and whiskey, there lies a determination to keep it together and start anew.

Why would a band bother changing its name? Who is going to give a shit? Guitarist Pete says, “The name change was a necessary step that we knew had been coming for awhile.” If you’re a band who is fortunate enough to make any money or have success at all and yet unfortunate enough to share your signature with a registered business, be it a band or a company of any sort, you could be in a world of trouble. At the very least you could have your earnings taken away for working under someone else’s banner. Perhaps even slapped with a lawsuit. Balls in a vice. What group of misfits could afford that? Not mine, that’s for sure. If you intend to run your band as you would a business and take it to the next level as it were, band name registration is vital to the conversion of a boys club into a company.

NIGHTFIGHTER (Pty. Ltd.), defined by a heavy blues, early metal sound, bringing melody to the forefront of musicianship. If Ozzy and Plant were to have a love child, this would describe Adam’s vocals. If this awesome abomination were to front the offspring of Deep Purple Mark II, owning the sense of humour of Lemmy and the roots of Rose Tattoo and subsequently this gestation were to play to the entire Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation (note that this name is copyrighted so try and take it and they’ll probably run your nuts over with a Harley), you’d have yourself a NIGHTFIGHTER.

Built to destroy. Born of an orgy of rock n roll. Same crew. New era. Keep watching the skies.

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