Sarah Blasko – looking forward to Australian coffee

After spending the last year overseas, Aussie singer-songwriter Sarah Blasko is returning to Australian shores for an extensive tour. Leaving audiences across Europe very impressed, there are no doubts about her upcoming Australian Tour. Having received awards such as ‘Best Female Artist’ and ‘Australian Album of the Year’, it looks like things are just getting bigger and better for Sarah.

In the midst of her preparations for returning to Australia, we managed to catch up with Sarah and ask her a few questions about music, tour life and coming home.

MF: What’s an average day like for you?

SB: There is no average day really. There is the on and the off time. The on time means lots of early mornings, flying, vans, reading books, listening to music, joking with my band buddies, sound checks, moving musical instruments around, photos, noisy festivals, forgetting where you are, interviews, talking, drinking, eating. The off time involves being a homebody: sleeping in; coffee; newspapers; reading; listening to music at home; contemplating existence; cooking; writing; playing piano; walking; wandering; and time to breathe!

MF: What has it been like spending the past year overseas? Missing home?

SB: It’s been pretty great but incredibly busy. London has been a fun place to live and I’ve travelled to France, Germany, Holland, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden and Poland. I’ve not been missing home as much as I thought, I think it’s because it was time for a change, plus I’ve had a couple of occasions to go back and see family and friends.

MF: Was it ever a goal for you to become internationally acclaimed? Does it feel surreal?

SB: Well, I don’t know if I’ve become internationally acclaimed! But, it does feel surreal to finally be playing to audiences all over the place when I’ve been wanting to for a while. It’s also lots of work!

MF: How often do you practice?

SB: As much as we need to sound fresh and rehearsed at the same time! I don’t ‘practice’ anything too formally, although I probably should!

MF: How does it feel to be on the other side of the world and receive such great feedback on your work?

SB: It feels nice to have such great feedback. The reviews have been very good over here. It’s then just a matter of trying to get people along to shows.

MF: Most memorable moment on living in London & Brighton?

SB: Walking down the streets of Peckham, which is where we were living in London. I was the only white person and I felt like I was in Africa; it was great.

MF: Are there downsides to the extensive touring and always being on the go?

SB: Yes, trying to keep relationships healthy and remaining calm. It can be very stressful, and it can be really hard sometimes when you actually just feel like staying home. I do love it though. If I was home for more than a couple of months I’d probably be bored and annoying to be around!

MF: Excited about the fact of heading back to Australia? Besides the tour itself, what are you really looking forward to about being back home?

SB: Yes, I’m really looking forward to it. I’m leaving in about a day or so. I’m looking forward to Australian coffee; to familiarity; to family. I can’t wait to see my niece and nephews. They’ll have grown so much.

MF: Do you have a favourite venue you have played in Australia? Most memorable Australian Show?

SB: I do like the Enmore Theatre and I think it’s because I always wanted to play there, being from Sydney. My most memorable performances were probably playing outside the opera house in Sydney and at the Darwin Festival a few years ago. Both were really beautiful nights outdoors.

MF: Have you got a favourite performance from your time overseas? If so, where & what venue?

SB: I did love playing in Paris. There’s just something so romantic about it! Until someone yelled out ‘Play Flame Trees!!!!!!!’

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