These Are The 10 Best Aussie Songs Of 2015 (So Far) To Rock Out To

As part of our partnership with ibis Play we’ve put together our fav Aussie songs of the year (so far) that are the best to rock out to before a night out.

Mid-year music lists are a staple of the industry’s thirst for neat, tidy little packages of sonic judgement and we here at Music Feeds are not one to ignore your endless devouring of numbered articles. However, for 2015 we’ve decided to freshen shit up a tad, and not just give you a handful of tasty tracks from the past six months, but tell you exactly WHY they’re god damn jams made for getting you geared up for a winter expedition into party-territory.

Whether you’re heading to warm yourself up at a gig, hitting the local for a couple of brews and a boogie or preparing yourself for the endless, and often terrifying, social output of a semi-strangers house party, we’ve got the local tunes to gee you the hell up, with thanks to our bros at ibis Hotels and their slick new site for music lovers, ibis Play.

1. Dick Diver – Waste The Alphabet

Melbourne’s Dick Diver dropped their third LP Melbourne, Florida earlier this year and lead single Waste The Alphabet is about as good as Australian laconic rock has gotten so far this year. No need to bust a spinal chord rocking out to this one, with Dick Diver, it’s all about that gentle sway.

Suitable for: Before heading to the pub round the corner with some solid old mates, because #GoodVibes.

2. Hermitude – The Buzz

Yeah, ok, there’s no guitars in Hermitude’s The Buzz, but lest ye forget that the concept of rocking out does not discriminate! I mean, hell, you could rock out to some Beethoven if that’s really your thing, who are we to qualitatively judge the notion of getting your freak on?

Suitable for: Heading to da club, obvs.

3. Tame Impala – Let It Happen

How could you write an article about rocking out to Aussie music without mentioning the world conquering Tame Impala. With their new LP just around the corner get your froth on with single Let It Happen and let the glistening pysch-rock guitar lines and seemingly endless melodies take you over.

Suitable for: It’s six minutes long so it’s almost exactly how long it takes a dude to get ready to go out. Rock on whilst you put your dacks on! (Ladies, put it on repeat).

4. Holy Holy – You Cannot Call for Love Like a Dog

For a slightly more gentle, yet nonetheless meaningful, rock out, might we suggest Holy Holy’s You Cannot Call for Love Like a Dog. The lead single from their upcoming debut LP When The Storms Come Out, has all the requisite scintillating guitar solo’s and one hell of a chorus, but paired with mournful lyrics and soothing melodies. Go ahead and nod along to it, increasingly emphatically, in your room by yourself. You don’t need nobody!

Suitable for: Before heading to a bar by yourself to drink whiskey and think about all the mistakes you’ve ever made.

5. Last DinosaursEvie

Like a hit of solid sugar to your veins, Brissie’s Last Dino’s know how to get your pulse racing with a slab of lightning-paced indie rock and their return after three years in the wilderness finally arrived earlier this year, in the form of thumping new track Evie.

Suitable for: Pre-Pub Crawl festivities where you need all the energy you can get. Consider it a Red Bull in musical form.

6. Parkway Drive Vice Grip

Turn things up a bit for Australia’s foremost heavy outfit Parkway Drive and their fairly new single Vice Grip. It’s vintage Parkway with scintillating melodies drenched in powerful riffs that will knock your head off. Which is kind of what we’re going for here, so limber up and unleash!

Suitable for: This shit will pysch you up for most things, but we suggest before your next family dinner with parents. “THIS POTATATO SALAD IS FUCKING INSANE, MUM!”

7. DartsWestward Bound

If your head isn’t moving after the 12 second mark on Darts’ punch-to-the-balls of a track Westward Bound, there might be something wrong with you, seek medical help. Sure you can barely make out the lyrics, but when the incessant percussion and chunky guitar lines are so tasty, who gives a shit?

Suitable for: A pre-job interview rock out. Goodbye nerves, hello soaring confidence!

8. PalmsBad Apple

Let the opening wailing chords of Palm’s newy Bad Apples wash over you like the spray from a slightly-too-warm VB can as the squealing, no-holds-barred slice of indie-rock allows for some solid pre-gig rocking out.

Suitable for: Warm-ups before heading to the dankest little gig pub for a filthy good band night.

9. Alison WonderlandRun

One of numerous amazingly talented ladies absolutely crushing the dance/electro scene at the mo, Alison Wonderland’s debut album out a couple of months ago, is nothing but balls-to-the-wall EDM-infected jams and recent single, the titular Run, brings together everything great about the LP in one, tight, energetic bash of a tune.

Suitable for: Geeing yourself up for the mysterious warehouse party you’re heading to.

10. Bad//DreemsCuffed & Collared

Prepare the vocal chords with some honey tea for this one, as there is literally no way to rock out to Bad//Dreems Cuffed & Collared without letting loose with some throat-scorching screams. Preferable with a mate on each arm, eyes closed, head skyward. That’s how I prefer it, anyway.

Suitable for: Pre’s before heading to that rowdy house party round the corner.

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