Watch Andy Bull Get Grilled By His Own Harshest Critic

They say we are our own harshest critics, but Sydney singer-songwriter and producer Andy Bull has taken this cliché to its literal end, sitting down for a series of in-depth interviews where he faces the tough questions hurled at him by unrelenting interviewer Andy Bull.

The three-part series of short videos, which you can and must watch below, works as part satire, part psychoanalysis. Think Between Two Ferns meets a candid therapy session for identical twins. Just don’t go thinking that Andy Bull is going to let Andy Bull off the hook so easily.

Watch as the musician furrows his brow and presses his hand to his forehead in discomfort as his hostile alter ego, who describes himself as “not a fan”, takes aim at the title of his latest record, its themes and his concept of “The Actor” – Bull’s concocted device that helps him distance his real self from Andy Bull the performer.

“Are you an arts student? You sound like an arts student,” quips the hardballing interviewer. “Do you keep a blog?” he adds mockingly. Given Bull’s proclivity for DIY, having famously made his latest album, Sea Of Approval, entirely on his own, interviewing himself is not an outrageous stretch for the musician.

Or maybe it begs asking the question, as posed by Andy Bull the interviewer: “What is your problem with working with other people?” Watch the videos below and we implore you, do not try this at home.

Andy Bull continues his national ‘Sea Of Approval’ tour at Jive in Adelaide on Thursday, 18th September – full details here.

Watch: Andy Bull ‘A Peculiar Interview’ – Part 1

Watch: Andy Bull ‘A Peculiar Interview’ – Part 2

Watch: Andy Bull ‘A Peculiar Interview’ – Part 3

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