We Got Coin Banks To Interview 360 Via Instagram DM For Some Reason

Usually the realm of sneaky nudes sent after one too many bevs and Drake trying to pick up porn stars, Instagram direct messages, it turns out, can also be used to conduct an insightful, hilarious and unexpectedly deep interview between Australian hip-hop contemporaries. Which is exactly what we did with 360 and his current tour mate Coin Banks.

Off the back of two killer debut EPs last year, the on-brand Heads and Tails, Perth-based Coin Banks continues to impress as one of the scenes hungriest newcomers and the support slot with Sixty, arguably one of the biggest names of Aussie hip-hop this decade, is a thoroughly well deserved reward for the notable leaps and bounds the West Australian has made in such a short period.

Taking time out from their hectic 24-date Retopia Tour, which wraps up over the next two weeks, the rapper bros got deep and meaningful with each other via the picture and messaging app for us recently, and thoughtfully screen-capped the results for your pleasure.

Besides the main scoop that 360 is with Optus and keeps his Bluetooth on at all times, Coin Banks in the role of interviewer gave us some thoughtful Q&A such as which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 360 likes the most and what he would do if he was stranded on Mars.

For realz tho, we got some good shit out of the boys, such as the five international rappers 360 is digging at the moment (s/o Vic Mensa) and some pretty damn good advice for artists trying to toe that line between staying true to themselves and knowing when to speak up for things they believe in:

“I’m one who has faced a lot of flack for speaking about certain issues… One thing I can be proud of is that whenever I have spoken about said issues it has come from a compassionate and caring place. It has never been for publicity or anything than wanting to help in a positive way. With that sad though I am very conflicted at the moment on whether it is actually worth it.”

Check out the full chat below and grab the deets for the remaining Retopia Tour dates underneath.


Coin-2 I

Coin-2 II

Coin-2 III















Watch: Coin Banks – Highs and Lows
COIN BANKS - HIGHS AND LOWS feat. Ánders , The Ruby Horns and produced by Shingo Suzuki

360 – The Retopia Tour
Presented by Crucial Music, Village Sounds and Music Feeds
With special guest Coin Banks

Thursday, 7th May 2015
Commercial Hotel, South Morang VIC
Tickets: 360

Friday, 8th May 2015
Chelsea Heights Hotel, Chelsea Heights VIC
Tickets: 360

Saturday, 9th May 2015
The Hi-Fi, Melbourne VIC
Tickets: 360

Friday, 15th May 2015
Hallam Hotel, Hallam VIC
Tickets: 360

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