Day of the Meerkat at Channel 808 Warehouse – 30th August

As part of the massive, multi-genre Channel 808 warehouse party on Saturday night, Sydney group Day Of The Meerkat were always going to raise both temperatures and heart rates as they delivered their own brand of rock ‘n’ roll sonic swagger. The fought the law but the law did not win…for the time being.

Following a blistering set by fellow Sydney-siders, Funk/Reggae/Hip-Hop crowd pleasers Rumpunch, this was going to be a hard act to follow. With temperatures in the Camperdown multi-layered warehouse already reaching sauna-like levels, the band wasted no time increasing the heat. Slaying through tracks from their recent Ep the guys delivered a frenetic and crazy set that earned them a slathering of new fans. Complete with crowd surfing, stage diving (with a stage at the same level of the crowd?) and guitarist Tyler’s mental institution “Here’s Johnny” glare, the crowd lapped up every minute of this ferocious band’s short, sharp set.

The arrival of four policemen who directed their intimidating orders to stop the show at front-man Colonel Parkman, (thinking his effects board was the master control) they were bluntly and instantly crushed by the band who continued their QOTSA meets the Stooges madness, confusing and also deterring said Cops to run away and gather reinforcements. With dedications to Sting AND the Police, cries of “Roxanne..” were uttered from the band, reinforcing their distaste of the boys in blue’s efforts at stopping this party bus from trucking on.

Standout tracks from the set included Cocktails and the “Big Riff” Motion, opening the eyes of the slightly poached and crushed crowd to this band that seem to be gathering more support every time they take to the stage. Professor Meerkat’s incessant pounding of the skins, complete with obstructive Meerkat mask and lead guitarist Brendan’s electric, Hive-inspired riffs rounded off a brow drenching and amusing set of tunes. This band have the swagger, the riffs and will shortly have all the fans they need for a rich career in the Oz music scene.

The night continued for a short time before the cops came in and broke up the party, riot style… if only the other bands could have had the power to squash the police’s attempts to shut down this amazing and all too brief shindig. Like the animal they represent…keep a lookout for the Meerkat !

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