Issue #12

In This Issue: Purple Sneaker NYE House Party, Sharon Jones, Salmonella Dub, Mercy Arms, Tzu Lookup, Tame Impala, Cut Copy, Dillinger Escape Plan, WIM

Well it’s that time of the year again, time to unbuckle your belt, wax up your hair, sharpen your nails and get rowdy. It’s summer and the festivals have come. Be prepared.

Luckily we here at Music Feeds are always prepared (individual experience may vary), hell we were born wearing pants and standing up .
So we have generously decided to share with you, our readers a few ideas and insights to factor in when preparing yourself.

In case you didn’t notice, Purple Sneakers New Years Eve is our prime pick of the pack. With Underworld coupled with anal pain inducing acts such as Eric Prydz and The Presets, I can’t think of anything better to do than rock out at Manning with bluejuice, Sparkadia and The Teenagers working the crowd into a fervent frenzy, biblical in proportion.

Mind you if I didn’t hate camping I’d be all over Peats Ridge. Salmonella Dub, Pivot, Cloud Control, Jon Cleary, Hermitude, bluejuice (again), Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu and our own Sydney favourites Killed 2 Birds, One Was Stoned, I’d love to be sitting there a few microdots along my way to oblivion enjoying the sweet and succulent sounds, but alas having to sleep in a tent and face the elements is far too great an obstacle for this civilisation bound journo.

Days Like This is our go for the post NYE activities, Sharon Jones, Public Enemy, Fat Freddy’s Drop, PPP (Platinum Pied Pipers), Atmosphere… if you don’t go and we find out my god is there going to be a whole lot of hell to pay.

Laneway promises to yet again delivers a happening sandwich jam packed with quirky underground artists like Girl Talk, Architecture In Helsinki and Pivot (again) as well as bollock stomping cult heroes such as The Drones, Four Tet and Daedelus. We caught up with nostalgic psychonauts Tame Impala and folky noodlers Port O’Brien in anticipation.

We’ve got Big Day Out-ers, Mercy Arms and TZU (Neil Young and TV On The Radio haven’t called us back since that heated night of passion).

We also chat to gypsy pop rockers WIM and ecstatic ensemble Cuthbert & The Nightwalkers about the new monthly mini-festival and musical menagerie Adventure Club, that will be flooding Kings Cross’s Melt bar this Boxing Day with performance art, cabaret and tunes crispier than a pack of Twisties.

Cut Copy give us the down low on Pyramid, The Black Diamond Heavies tell us about their dalliances with Aunty Meredith, while The Reptiles Outrun and Binge Thinkers couldn’t resist sticking their noses in for a bit of a gander.

Last but not least Festival Fuckwits is back in all its offensive glory.

Thanks for reading the mag, thanks for coming to the gigs and thanks for being such a bunch of sick cunts, may your first born children be masculine children and may god smile upon their sweet brows. Its been a great year see you again in Jan.


Music Feeds. Get Excited.
Get Involved. Get Your Kegs Off

p.s Be sure not to miss ATP and Sydney Festival like we did in this issue… so maybe the whole being prepared thing was a lie, lay off, not everyone can be Steve Albini

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