Issue #17

In This Issue: Art vs Sceince, Lost Valentinos, Marky Ramone, Philadelphia Grand Jury, Fait Accompli, Pivot, Eddy Current Suppression Ring

That’s right people, as the tagline on this week’s cover says we here at Music Feeds wear short shorts, and we’re not ashamed to say it. With Mardi Gras having recently swept through the streets of Sydney we thought it was appropriate to firmly declare that skimpy clothes and throbbing thighs are well and truly part of our overarching manifesto here, and if you don’t like it, well you obviously have some body image issues and I’m not about to criticise you for that. Who am I am to talk, I’m a never nude, hence my fixation with cut off jeans.

Anyway, inane views on fashion aside music has been going balls out crazy here in Sydney the last few weeks. Mr Oizo, the French master of dirty beats and even dirtier women literally packed out Ruby Rabbit two weeks ago for his secret Future Music sideshow. I was on the VIP list and it took me an hour to get in, admittedly an hour spent in the pub up the road but an hour none the less. If you weren’t there count yourself lucky, as I cannot recall ever being at a gig were I so strongly wanted to shake my booty, but was prevented from doing so by the incredible mass of people packed into the tiny second floor of the Oxford St house of filth.

Pivot, with support from those electronica titans Seekae, played their last show in Australia before heading off to the UK to record their new album, Eddy Current Suppression Ring blew the lid of La Campana and Tony Allen, father of Afrobeat, brought down the house at The Forum. We went to all three and have the photos to prove it so be sure to check out the shenanigans.

As I’m sure you all noticed Mardi Gras exploded across Sydney a few weeks back, pouring it’s loving load of debauchery and gender bending all over the streets of central Sydney. If you’re at all like me you took this opportunity to get looser than an innocent man in prison, got decked out in an outlandish outfit and preceded to molest your friends. Too much went on that night to truly tell the tale, but suffice to say I was wearing little more than high heels, fish net stockings and a crimson velvet cape. I love Mardi Gras.

Anyway I should probably talk about this issue, but fuck it I’m going to rant a little longer, besides, the way I see it I’m drunk and still in the office at 10:00pm and I should be able to whatever I want.

WhoMadeWho. If like me you’ve always had a soft spot for quirky Danish people and irresistibly funky basslines and thoroughly danceable guitar lines this is the band for you. They’ve just released their sophomore album The Plot and I haven’t stopped listening to it since my hirsute and occasionally English-accented boss threw it across my desk. Seriously, go but this album and prepare yourself for some of the sexiest music ever made.

Plus with a live show that includes full body harlequin costumes, an overweight drummer who plays in is underwear and a leather Batman mask (take that Christian Bale), theatrics ranging from using a champagne bottle as a bottle neck to dragging the majority of the crowd up on stage not to mention delivering rocking instrumental covers of Benni Benassi’s Satisfaction and the aforementioned Mr Oizo’s Flat Beat, how can you say no. In fact to anybody saying this band is less than heaps rad I quote TV Friend, opening track of The Plot by saying, “no no no, no no no noooo, no no no.”

So this issue, we have a lot of rad shit being thrown your way by the figurative monkeys that run this magazine. Company Flow and Def Jux founder El-P gives us the rap up on his music, the industry and juvenile delinquency. POW!

Local indielectro powerhouse Art vs. Science gives us the low-down on their recession aimed musical stlyings, while we get the down-low on Fait Accompli and their Napoleonic roots.

Also we have The Lost Valentinos, UK beatbox extraordinaire Beardyman, punk legend Marky Ramone, indie buzz mongers Philadelphia Grand Jury, Adelaide exclamation point lovers Fire! Santa Rosa Fire! And Scottish Loch monsters Biffy Clyro.

Plus we have more shit, but at them moment my screen looks like my dead grandmother’s face when she walked in on me having a wank, so out of shame and inexplicable arousal I must leave you sweet folks with my usual slice of solace…

Music Feeds, Baby! It’s Spanish For Awesome


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