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360 Starts Mental Health Support Organisation, Opens Up About Struggle In Honest Video

360 has been very vocal about his struggle with mental health and addiction over the past few months releasing music that deals with it head on and now he’s started an organisation to help people going through similar things.

The autobiographical, confessional track I’m Sorry released earlier this year, garnered a “next level” reaction from the public, according to 360 himself, and sparked him to start not-for-profit organisation The 180 Movement.

In a new video from the rapper he explained how the comments from the public on that song hit him hard.

“[there were] so many comments of people saying they’re going through something so similar, basically exactly the same, but they’re also not telling anyone about it,” he said.

“That’s something that’s really stuck out to me.”

The organisation was started with 360’s friend James Kennedy and is a way of starting important conversations surrounding mental illness and addiction.

“If you feel like your life is heading in a direction that you’re not really happy with, we can help you find a solution to turn it around,” he said.

“We want to create healthy conversation and action around mental health, addiction and other issues in society that aren’t openly discussed. That’s the movement. We want to move as many people away from suffering in silence and provide solutions to help them with their problems.”

The rapper kept pretty quiet about his struggle up until recently and in the video he puts it down to “doing the fucking typical man shit” of thinking he’ll get over it and “toughen up”.

“All your friends around you, they actually want to help you, they want to know when you’re fucked up,” he said as someone who has been able to turn his life around.

Kennedy and 360 plan to take the movement around Australia this year, heading to communities around the country to help people out. At the moment, he’s simply asking that people go and like the Facebook page which has already garnered over 4,000 likes.

Anyone requiring help or information on mental health can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

If you've been following my music over the last few months you'd know that I've had some really fucked up struggles with addiction and mental illness and the worst part about it all is that I didn't tell anyone, kept it to myself and didn't wanna be a burden.. After seeing the reaction to "I'm sorry" and seeing how many people are going through something SO similar but are also doing so in total silence, it's inspired us to create The 180 Movement ….

Posted by 360 on Friday, 18 March 2016

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