Aa (Big A little a) playing tomorrow at Red Rattler

So this is hardly your standard news piece, but having just returned from a financially ill-fated trip to Melbourne over the weekend, I felt it was important to share one of the few highlights, Brooklyn’s Aa (pronounced Big A little a). Playing this tour with two percussionists and a singer/live electronics maestro, these guys make Animal Collective and all those sampler wielding rip-off bands sound like a bunch of limp-wristed ass wranglers.

Coming up playing Brooklyn loft parties alongside the likes of TV On The Radio, Sonic Youth and Japanther, the band deliver a furious take on the experimental pop sound popularised by the aforementioned bestial parade. Outshining their contemporaries through sheer veracity and energy, a Aa show is no chin stroking pretension-fest, but rather a primitive and visceral experience. If you like your music up-beat and out-there look no further.

Anyway they’re playing tomorrow night, Friday May 6 at The Red Rattler in Marrickville along with a stellar cast of local supports including Rat vs Possum, Music Feeds favourites Domeyko/Gonzalez and Simo Soo, and you’d be a fool to miss it. Out here supporting mAate, their first Australian release and a compilation of some rare singles and live tracks as well as all the tracks of their album gAame put out by Sensory Projects, you can buy tickets at Moshtix.

Anyway here’s a little taste, though I would recommend checking our more of their tunes than just this, as they are a pretty varied bunch, however I must say that none of these recordings do justice to the insane spectacle that is their live show

Aa - MOSSY- Trailer

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