AC/DC’S Phil Rudd Make Another Strange Court Appearance

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd arrived late for his New Zealand court appearance on Wednesday, not long after a judge threatened to issue a warrant for his arrest. While the murder plot charges against the 60-year-old have been dropped, the troubled musician still faces charges of threatening to kill and drug possession.

This week’s court proceedings, as reported by the New Zealand Herald, got off to a strange start when Rudd failed to show up on time at his bail hearing at Tauranga High Court in New Zealand. Just moments before he eventually appeared, the judge had told the court he would issue a warrant for his arrest.

According to the Herald, during his court appearance, Rudd winked at reporters and drummed on the dock. The drummer was remanded on existing bail conditions until December 2nd, and continued his bizarre behaviour outside the courtroom. Asked if he had a message for his fans, he replied, “I haven’t got any fans.” Asked what he thought of the original charges laid against him, he replied, “Can I say bull**** on TV?” Then he jumped onto the back of his security guard who carried him to his car.

Entering his car, he proceeded to back it out into the path of an oncoming truck, whose driver was forced to brake suddenly, avoiding a collision.

Rudd was arrested earlier this month over charges of attempting to procure the murder of two people, as well as charges of threatening to kill someone and the possession of methamphetamine and cannabis.

Just a day after his arrest, the murder plot charges were dropped because of insufficient evidence but he will still need to defend the other charges.

AC/DC have reaffirmed that Rudd’s situation will have no effect on the upcoming release of their new studio album or their plans to tour in the new year. In interviews since the arrest the band have attempted to distance themselves from their drummer, with guitarist Angus Young stating “that the guy needs to sort himself out”.

Rudd’s current involvement with the band still remains in question. AC/DC’s new album Rock Or Bust is due out Friday, 28th November.

Watch: Phil Rudd Court Appearance

AC/DC drummer piggybacks on security guard

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