AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ Virus Infects Iranian Nuclear Facilities

Ultimate Classic Rock has reported a peculiar computer virus that has caught scientists off-guard across a number of Iranian nuclear facilities. But rather than leaving some kind of harmful malware designed to access encrypted files or wipe servers, the unknown perpetrators have instead rocked the scientists with one of Australia’s most iconic bands.

Reports from the nuclear facilities claim that in the middle of the night onsite computers have suddenly blared AC/DC’s classic hit Thunderstruck at full volume, while also disabling their automation system. According to Gawker, F-Sercure’s (a Finnish computer security firm) lead researcher Mikko Hypponen received numerous e-mails in regards to the cyber attacks on the Iran nuclear facilities.

Below is the text of one such e-mail Hypponen received from an unattributed scientist who works at one of the hacked nuclear facilities:

I am writing you to inform you that our nuclear program has once again been compromised and attacked by a new worm with exploits which have shut down our automation network at Natanz and another facility Fordo near Qom.

According to the email our cyber experts sent to our teams, they believe a hacker tool Metasploit was used. The hackers had access to our VPN. The automation network and Siemens hardware were attacked and shut down. I only know very little about these cyber issues as I am scientist not a computer expert.

There was also some music playing randomly on several of the workstations during the middle of the night with the volume maxed out. I believe it was playing ‘Thunderstruck’ by AC/DC.

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