Aphex Twin Blimp In London The Greatest Tease Ever?

A lime green blimp decorated in the Aphex Twin logo and a stylised ‘2014’ was spotted flying over London over the weekend. As fans discovered the producer’s singular emblem outside of Radio City Music Hall in New York, the blimp was positioned over London, docked at a craft beer festival.

Numerous London residents noticed the instantly identifiable flying object in the sky and quickly took to social media to share images and speculate on what it could possibly mean. With no news from the producer’s label, Warp Records, many fans are now expecting news of a new release or tour.

Tweets by 7BitArcade‘s Jack Cooper indicate that the blimp was hovering over London venue Oval Space where Cooper found it “tied to a massive beat up truck.” According to security in the area, the truck had “been abandoned for ages” but allegedly carried a “wireless transmitter on top.”

At the time, Oval Space was hosting the popular LDN Craft Beer Fest. Cooper tweeted that he spoke to “the blimp dude” who informed him that Aphex Twin would not be making an appearance at the event, as some had begun speculating. “He says just marketing nothing else,” wrote Cooper.

Festival organisers did little to quash speculation as to whether the avant-garde producer would be making an appearance during the event’s final day, taking to Twitter to write, “Is [Aphex Twin] gatecrashing [LDN Craft Beer Fest] tomorrow? We don’t know. Ask [Warp Records].”

With the discovery of an Aphex Twin logo stenciled outside of one of New York City’s most famous venues, it’s little wonder fans are speculating. Aphex Twin has not released a full-length album since 2001’s Drukqs, though the producer has stated that he has albums’ worth of material completed.

Watch: Aphex Twin – Windowlicker

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