Image: Apple Music

Apple Music’s ‘Free Trial’ Is No Longer Free In Australia For Some Reason

The Apple Music streaming service launched back in June of 2015, and ever since then the service has offered a free three-month trial in over 100 countries, including Australia.

But, as MacRumors points out, Apple has recently put an end to the “free” aspect of the trial, and it now costs 99 cents to sign up for the first three months in Australia.

The same has occurred for users in Spain and Switzerland, who’ll have to pay 99 Euro cents and Fr. 0.99,  and the change has occurred seemingly completely out of the blue and with no explanation from Apple as to why.

Stranger still, the trial is still offered for free in every other country in which Apple Music is available (with the exception of some countries including Ireland who’ve always had just a one-month free trial).

MacRumors reports that the trial was still free as of May 14th, so the change appears to have happened since then. Even Google search results haven’t had time to catch up, with a simple search for ‘Apple Music Australia’ still coming up with a site summary that states the trial is “free for three months”.

Music Feeds contacted Apple to ask why Aussies now have to pay for the three-month trial, to which they responded with only the following generic statement; “Pricing and promotions for Apple Music vary from country to country.”

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