Arcade Fire Keep Deadmau5 Feud Alive Onstage

Arcade Fire have kept their feud with fellow Canadian, Deadmau5, alive, responding in their unique fashion to recent comments the DJ and producer made on Twitter, by flashing an image of his famous ears on an LCD helmet during a set in St. Louis.

During their live show, Arcade Fire used the LCD helmet to flash images of Deadmau5 during a performance of Normal Person from their latest offering Reflektor. See fan footage below. The track’s opening lyrics, “Do you like Rock and Roll music? ‘Cause I don’t know if I do,” clearly convey the band were referencing the electronic artist’s recent comments.

Deadmau5 recently hit out at Arcade Fire on Twitter, following comments made by frontman Win Butler during a Coachella set. “Shout-out to all the bands still playing actual instruments at this festival,” Butler said to the crowd in an apparent diss at the electronic acts on the bill.

Deadmau5 responded by tweeting, “Arcade fire needs to settle down. Dafuqs yer problem?,” he added. “If I wanna watch real artists perform, I’d pick the opera before wasting a fucking minute of my life with Arcade Fire. #do youevenscorebro?,” ended the producer’s characteristic rant.

Arcade Fire have wielded the same LCD helmet screen previously, to showcase images of other nefarious figures, such as Toronto’s infamous “crack mayor” Rob Ford, former US President George W. Bush, and Republican party candidate Michele Bachmann.

Watch: Arcade Fire and Deadmau5

arcade fire deadmau5

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