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Ariel Pink Dropped By Record Label After Revealing He Attended The US Capitol Riot

Ariel Pink confirmed late last week that he attended the riots at the US Capitol. While he denied being part of the mob who stormed the building, Pink said he was there to, “peacefully show my support for the president.”

After images on social media showed Pink’s attendance at the rally he admitted, “I was in dc to peacefully show my support for the president. I attended the rally on the white house lawn and went back to hotel and took a nap. Case closed.”

He then tweeted, “Welcome to the Panoptigan. They wasted no time…save yourselves friends, cancel me now and turn me in before they come for you.”

All before simply tweeting, “Vote for Trump.”

The election’s over champ.

Now, Ariel Pink’s record label Mexican Summer has dropped him.

“Due to recent events, Mexican Summer and its staff have decided to end our working relationship with Ariel Rosenberg AKA Ariel Pink moving forward,” the label tweeted.

Twitter has also reacted.

Other users joked about a shake-up in Pink’s listenership.

Ariel Pink had recently collaborated with John Maus and Alex Moyer on TFW No GF, a doco about 4chan and the incel subculture.

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