Ariel Pink Says He “Can’t Defend” His “Gross” Onstage Behaviour

Ariel Pink has responded to allegations he handled his girlfriend roughly on stage during a recent concert.

An anonymous punter from his show on October 14 took to reddit to claim that Pink treated his girlfriend and bandmate Charlotte Ercoli “like a piece of meat” on stage, and at one point “pinned her down to the stage and got on top of her.”

Ariel Pink, who will be on tour in Australia this November, took to Twitter to address the allegations, saying that he “got very drunk and overdid everything.”

“My behaviour on stage was gross and I can’t defend it,” he continued.

For her part, Ercoli went in to bat for her boyfriend, tweeting “Wow. Turns out a girl can’t have fun with her boyfriend on stage without being victimized by feminists.”

She also gave a statement to Pitchfork in which she addressed a “hit piece” that the publication had written.

“I am sorry if we made anyone uncomfortable but I can surely report it’s all in good fun on our end and we were just feeling ‘a little keyed up’/rowdy to be kicking off the tour,” she said.

“We are very close and can play around with each other in that way, but have tamed it down ‘up there’ in order to avoid stirring up fear. Thank you all for the concern. I own ariels ass, don’t worry.”

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