Some Aussie Sia Fans Are Very Upset About Her “Arrogant” Two-Show Tour Announcement

Many Aussie Sia fans are not exactly swinging from the chandelier following the announcement of her first Aussie tour since 2011.

The pop phenom dropped the monster announcement that she’d be returning to home turf to perform live after six long years on her Nostalgic For The Present tour this November, and bringing a titanic lineup of supports with her in the form of Charli XCX, Danish artist and Australia’s own Amy Shark.

Lots of fans have had their elastic hearts broken by the paperpag popstar’s measly two-date visit to Sydney and Melbourne, and they’re making it known that they feel like she’s freezed them out:

And fans in her home state of South Australia have particularly salted wounds:

Music Feeds has contacted promoters Chugg Entertainment to see whether there’s any hope of more dates being announced. We’ll let you know if we hear anything back.

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