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Behold The Majesty Of Amy Poehler & Jack Black Performing Bette Midler Together

Bette Midler may not exactly have been on the School Of Rock curriculum but that hasn’t stopped Jack Black from teaming up with everyone’s favourite person Amy Poehler to salute The Divine Miss M. with a duet of her classic, The Rose.

There is just so much to love about this happening that we’ve broken it all down in list-formation:

1. If you had to rank the world’s comedians in terms of just how many paper cuts you’d be willing to endure to become super best friends with them, Jack Black and Amy Poehler would both be right up there, meaning that their combined power to inspire a mass paper cut frenzy is just OFF THE FREAKING CHAIN.

2. Amy Poehler is a HUGE Bette Midler fan. She wants to be super best friends with Bette Midler almost as much as everyone else wants to be super best friends with Amy Poehler. As she once told Vulture Mag:

“So I first met Bette Midler in my head when I watched the film The Rose in 1979. And since then, her and I have been best friends, in my head. In my head, she and I travel together, we have cut an album, and we pranked George Clooney. She’s the godmother to the children of mine that she has never met, and once, Bette turned to me in a dream and said, ‘Amy, you are the most talented person I’ve ever met. I hate to say this, this kills me, but you’re more talented than me. God bless you and I release you to God,’ and then she turned into a million doves and flew away.”

which leads us to…

3. Amy Poehler loves Bette Midler and The Rose so much that she is clearly lapping up every second of this performance, and showing off some surprisingly killer pipes to boot!

4. There is actually nothing funny about it! The comedy king and queen dispense with the habitual LOLs to deliver an unexpectedly powerful and heartfelt performance that swells with lush harmonies and feelz so totez emosh they will make your tears cry little baby tears of their very own.

The collab took place as part of Tenacious D’s annual music and comedy Festival Supreme over the weekend. Probably around the same time that Midler herself was calling out Justin Bieber’s dad for being creepy on Twitter about his son’s leaked dick pics. Yep.

So what are you waiting for? Get your lighter out and sway to the majesty of Amy Poehler and Jack Black making sweet music together, below.

Watch: Amy Poehler & Jack Black – The Rose Live

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