Björk On Keeping ‘Vulnicura’ Off Spotify: “It’s About Respect”

Björk rush-released her stunning new album Vulnicura last month after the album leaked online, and now the Icelandic muso is set on keeping the album off of streaming services because she thinks they are nothing more than “insane”.

In a recent interview with Fast Company, Björk said her management have really been going with the flow since Vulnicura‘s leak, but she has told them to keep the album off of streaming services such as Spotify.

“We’re all making it up as it goes, to be honest. I would like to say there’s some master plan going on [with the album release], but there isn’t,” Björk said. “But a few months ago I emailed my manager and said, ‘Guess what? This streaming thing just does not feel right. I don’t know why, but it just seems insane.'”

“To work on something for two or three years and then just, ‘Oh, here it is for free.’ It’s not about the money; it’s about respect, you know? Respect for the craft and the amount of work you put into it,” Björk said.

“But maybe Netflix is a good model. You go first to the cinema and after a while it will come on ­Netflix. Maybe that’s the way to go with streaming. It’s first physical and then maybe you can stream it later.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Björk revealed that the forthcoming music video for Vulnicura cut Stonemilker will be viewable via the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset.

In her review of Vulnicura, Music Feeds reviewer Indre McGlinn said the album “feels like a concentration of Björk’s songwriting skill into something more concise and urgent”. Catch the trailer for Björk’s new sound and video installation based on the Vulnicura track Black Lake, below.

Watch: Björk – Black Lake (Trailer)

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