Bowie Denies Jay Electronica Collaboration

David Bowie has denied he has done any sort of collaboration with American rapper Jay Electronica, after the latter had previously tweeted that he had managed to secure the services of the pop giant for his forthcoming album.

Jay Electronica had posted on Twitter earlier this week, “What if I told yall we even got David Bowie singing bg vox on a record. Ask The Bulitts.”

However, as reports, the tweet was subsequently taken down and a message at firmly refuted the claims made by the 34-year-old rapper. The message said, “Following reports of tweets suggesting a vocal contribution yesterday, we can tell you that David Bowie is not singing on the new album by Jay Electronica.”

It is the second time in just over a month that Bowie has had to set the record straight over claims made by snivelling musician fans trying to capitalise on the publicity any mention of Bowie inevitably garners. In June, he was forced to deny that he contributed lyrics to the new Kaiser Chiefs album, only for his ideas to be rejected by the Leeds band. That was dismissed as nonsense, as was a report in April that stated he had penned a film script with Mick Jagger.

Bowie has not released an album since 2003’s Reality, though in March of this year, the unreleased 2001 album Toy was leaked onto the internet, the record containing many tracks that ended up on the 2002 album Heathen.

And now seems as good a chance as any to revisit the good old days:


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