Brian Eno Hypnotised Coldplay For Mylo Xyloto

It seems Coldplay have to go to great lengths these days to get their creative juices flowing. During the recording of Mylo Xyloto producer Brian Eno suggested the band try playing together while in a state of hypnosis. Eno had one of his friends come to the studio the hypnotise the band but apparently nothing came of it.

Speaking at a Press conference in Madrid Coldplay Bass player Guy Berryman said:

We have been in a band long enough where we are comfortable to explore new ideas… Brian suggested we try playing together when we were hypnotised. One of his friends came down and we tried it out. Nothing came of it but at least we tried it.

Lead singer Chris Martin also spoke about why there won’t be a collaboration with Jay Z anytime soon:

There’s something kind of weird about men collaborating. I think I would find it hard to create sexual tension with Jay-Z.

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