Briggs is just one of many Australians currently serving it to political pest Mark Latham following a vom-worthy tweet he fired off yesterday in response to a state memorial service being held in honour of late Aussie music legend Dr G Yunupingu.
ICYMI: the Darwin service was broadcast by a huge chunk of the Aussie media (including Sky News, from which Latham was recently sacked), giving family, friends and fans of the iconic Indigenous songwriter a chance to say farewell and pay tribute to his incredible musical legacy following his tragic death from illness.
But for some reason, this baffled the former Labor leader, who took it upon himself to tweet: “I don’t know a single person who had ever heard of Dr G Yunupingu Why is the ABC obsessed with farewelling this guy who passed away in July?”
Twitter unsurprisingly rose up as one to tear Latham a new one, and leading the charge was A.B. Original rapper Briggs.
“This grub, famous for losing an election and giving a firm handshake to another grub,” he fired back.
While former Channel [V] presenter-turned-polly James Mathison also chimed in, tweeting: “This is now getting sad to watch”.
Catch some other choice responses to what we can only surmise as Latham’s gross display of ignorance (or even grosser troll) below.
RIP Dr. G Yunupingu.