Britney Spears Just Re-Released Her ‘Glory’ Album Ft. New Song ‘Mood Ring’

Britney Spears has, fairly casually, announced that due to popular demand, she’s releasing (kinda) new song ‘Mood Ring’.

‘Mood Ring’ was a, previously, unreleased bonus track from her 2016 album Glory and was only initially released in Japan. Today though, it’s officially out everywhere and in typical Britney fashion, it slaps.

As well as the surprise drop of ‘Mood Ring’ though, Britney Spears seems like she might be up to something. She recently changed the Glory cover artwork to celebrate it going to #1 on the iTunes Charts, which came as part of the #JusticeForGlory campaign.

“You asked for a new Glory cover and since it went to number one we had to make it happen !!!! Couldn’t have done it without you all!!!!” she said.

But, Hollywood Reporter asked Britney’s sister, Jamie Lynn if she has any plans for music in the future. Jamie Lynn told them that her big sister is “kind of just relaxing.”

“And I think that’s good. Britney deserves that. She’s worked her ass off. So if she wants to make another album, great. But if she doesn’t feel like it, she doesn’t have to. She’s given the world a lot. I don’t think there are plans for anything — at the moment,” she told the publication.

Listen to Britney Spears’ ‘Mood Ring’ below.

Mood Ring (By Demand)

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