Coachella 2015 / Image: Facebook

A Bunch Of Punters Tried To File Their Taxes From Coachella’s “Post Office” This Year

It’s no secret that music festivals have been expanding the range of attractions and services they offer on site, however even Coachella wasn’t prepared when a number of this year’s attendees tried to file their taxes at the log cabin “post office” on site.

I.e. This totally official-looking place:

Mind you there was some method to the madness, as yesterday, aka Monday the 18th of April, was the deadline for US resident to file their taxes. This unfortunately also happened to coincide with the end of the first weekend of Coachella, leaving many attendees with the choice between attending or preparing their taxes.

However some bright eyed young things figured, in the immortal words of the girl from the Old El Paso ads:

why dont we have both? gif source buzzfeed

The short answer to that is because the Coachella “post office” isn’t a real US Postal Service Location. Cue gasps and disappointment from a bunch of kids coming up or coming down from whatever kept them going though the weekend.

“I can’t ‘just take it’,” said Megan Hampton, Coachella’s post-master. “How do they have their taxes here? I don’t know.”

More of a intermediary between festival goers and the actual Indio post office, the site is set up to deal with Coachella post cards or shipping large ill advised festival purchases home. Handling official tax documents, not so much their bag.

Besides, turning in your tax documents with a Coachella stamp isn’t likely to endear you to those lovely folks at the IRS.

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