Cannibal Corpse To Bring Out New Merch And Special Releases For 25th Anniversary

Death metal heavyweights Cannibal Corpse have announced a range of plans to celebrate their 25th Anniversary as a band next year.

The band put an update on their Facebook page – accompanied by the official logo marking their milestone year. The Florida-based band are planning to release a whole range of commemorative merchandise and have also hinted at re-releasing some of their albums in new special edition formats.

Here’s the statement in full:

Next year marks our 25th year as a band and we are going to celebrate it all year long! Keep an eye out for special releases, new merch designs and announcements! For now, you can check out our 25th-anniversary logo [see below] which will appear as a sleeve print on all our merch printed in 2013. You can pre order shirts with this print now along with our 2013 calendar that features the uncensored Vince Locke art from our 12 releases and marks all of our release dates, birthdays, our favorite horror film release dates and more! Everything can be found here. We never would have made it 25 years without all you die hard fans, get your horns up and blast your CORPSE records all year!

The band released their twevlth studio album Torture earlier this year and toured Australia in October.

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