Cedric Bixler-Zavala Performs With Antemasque @ Soundwave 2015, Melbourne / Photo By Brett Schewitz

Cedric Bixler-Zavala Denounces Former Bandmate Beto O’Rourke Over Biden Endorsement

Once upon a time, American politician Beto O’Rourke played in a punk band called Foss with Cedric Bixler-Zavala, who would go on to form iconic post-hardcore outfit At the Drive-In, along with progressive rock band The Mars Volta.

Recently, O’Rourke threw his support behind Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who experienced a surge of support for the Democratic nomination during Super Tuesday this week – where the greatest number of US states hold primaries and caucuses.

Clearly, Bixler-Zavala feels differently to O’Rouke, taking to Instagram to post an image of potential Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders, which reads “TEAM BERNIE ALL THE FUCKING WAY!!” with the caption “No thank you Biden.

On the post, one fan asked if Bixler-Zavala would denounce his former bandmate for his endorsement of Biden. The musician responded, “Denounced in the comatorium” – a reference to The Mars Volta’s 2003 debut De-Loused in the Comatorium.

Another fan commented, “Beto really bummed me out bad by supporting Biden,” to which Bixler-Zavala replied, “Me too.”

Of the 14 Super Tuesday states, Biden claimed 10, while Sanders won the remaining four, including California.


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No thank you Biden.

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