Chubby Checker Sues Over ‘Chubby Checker’ Penis Measuring App

Inventor of The Twist Chubby Checker has filed a lawsuit against Hewlett-Packard over a new app that takes an hilarious twist on his name. As reported by The Australian, Checker is attempting to sue HP for a penis-measuring app called…the Chubby Checker. Oh, Lord.

The Chubby Checker app attempts to calculate the size of a penis based on shoe size. There is no word yet on whether the app accounts for those individuals who are growers not showers. It has been described by US attorney Willie (*chuckle*) Gary as damaging to the legacy of the beloved American performer.

“This lawsuit is about preserving the integrity and legacy of a man who has spent years working hard at his musical craft and has earned the position of one of the greatest musical entertainers of all time,” explained Gary. “We cannot sit idly and watch as technology giants or anyone else exploits the name or likeness of an innocent person with the goal of making millions of dollars.”

“The defendants have marketed Chubby Checker’s name on their product to gain a profit and this just isn’t right,” Gary added.

Along with Hewlett-Packard, subsidiary Palm is also being sued for marketing the Chubby Checker app without permission. Checker and his legal team are seeking the ridiculously large sum of US$500 million in damages, proving there is at least a market for an app measuring the size of Checker’s balls. More to come.

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