Crowdfunding Campaign Launched To Prevent Nickelback Concert

Inspired by the recent wave of crowdfunding campaigns targeting Foo Fighters, including a successful campaign launched by fans in Virginia, which resulted in the band staging a concert in the town, UK resident Craig Mandell is hoping to raise enough money to keep Nickelback away from London.

While the divisive Canadian band don’t presently have any dates scheduled for the English capital, Mandell warns, “They’re probably planning a gig as we speak!” In order to combat this looming threat, Mandell hopes to raise $1,000 that will go to keeping the band out of London for the foreseeable future.

“We are attempting to ensure that Canadian ‘rockers’ Nickelback do not come to London, England to play a gig. With your help, we can ensure that the band do not schedule any gigs here, do not attempt to come here – nor even phone here,” writes Mandell on his Tilt page, under the title Don’t Let Nickel Back.

“Just imagine, thousands – perhaps tens of thousands of music lovers – all not witnessing an exclusive concert by Nickelback in London. It will be glorious. Legendary,” adds Mandell, who in the project’s FAQ section explains his reason for wanting to keep Nickelback from visiting: “Go listen to them.”

Those who pledge to Mandell’s project will have an email sent on their behalf to Nickelback’s management, with the severity of the message depending on how much money is contributed. At the time of writing, Mandell has amassed only $40, though he still has 28 days left to raise the necessary $1,000.

As NME reports, the organisers of a crowdfunding campaign looking to bring Foo Fighters to Cornwall recently confirmed that they reached their target of £150,000 in just two days. Like Mandell’s campaign, the organisers were inspired by the success of Virginia resident Andrew Goldin’s recent campaign.

UPDATE 06/10/14: Following a widespread online backlash, campaign organiser Craig Mandell has issued to an update via his Don’t Let Nickel Back campaign page. Mandell assures users and contributors that the campaign “is not about personal profit” and that all proceeds will go to charity or “perhaps therapy for those who’ve been affected by the band.”

After making headlines, Mandell’s campaign has been the subject of criticism and scrutiny by many. While some have appreciated the humour of Mandell’s campaign, others have labelled it “dumb” and “pointless”, while others have suggested that contributors should give their money to a charity or use it to help support a band that they like.

Watch: Foo Fighters – Times Like These at The National, Richmond, Virginia

Times Like These - Foo Fighters @ The National Richmond, VA

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