Daenerys Torching Kings Landing To The Tune Of Metallica’s ‘For Whom The Bell Tolls’ Is Epic As Hell

Unless you’ve been living a barren, internet-free existence for the past week, then you’ll know that the penultimate episode of Game Of Thrones — which saw our beloved Dragon Queen Daenerys go full Mad King and torch the absolute shit out of Kings Landing and everyone in it — pissed off a loooooooot of fans.

Thankfully, if you want something to take the sting out of the experience of watching your fave character heel turn hard enough to commit a fiery mass genocide, try this on for size: some genius has taken the confronting scene and re-soundtracked it with Metallica‘s classic ‘For Whom The Bell Tolls’, which suddenly makes Dany’s merciless killing spree seem way more badass.

Does it make her tragic character arc sting any less? Probably not. But the music & lyrics fit so well that it’s definitely worth a watch.

Horns in the air for the Queen of the ashes, we wish her good fortune in surviving this week’s episode…

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