Dave Grohl’s Pre-Nirvana Band Scream Are Re-releasing Their 1993 Album On Vinyl

Since The Foo Fighters went on indefinite hiatus in March this year, Dave Grohl‘s limitless acts of eccentricity and newsworthiness have been curtailed to some extent.

Apart from taking time out to make sure Axl Rose was treating his throne with the utmost respect during a recent Guns N Roses show, Grohl has perhaps been at a bit of a loose end.

Now he’s announced that Scream; the band he was the drummer for before he joined Nirvana, is re-releasing their 1993 album Fumble. Grohl joined Scream as a fresh-faced 17-year old while he was still in high school, and now their final album will be reissued in vinyl form.

Fumble is available now through Dischord Records.

Grohl took to the Foo Fighter’s Facebook page to announced the news.

“I had grown up buying their records and going to see their live shows, and eventually had the honor of becoming their drummer at the age of 17,” he wrote. “Fresh out of high school, I started touring the world with them from 1987-1990.

“Check it out, it might just change your life. It sure changed mine.”

Listen: Scream – God Look Down

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