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Death Grips’ New ‘Giving Bad People Good Ideas’ Video Is A Whole New Level Of Weird

Eccentric probably doesn’t quite describe Death Grips‘ style of music and theatricality, and their latest music video takes things to weird new places once again.

The experimental outfit started out the year with a weird 32 minute video titled Interview in which they teased new music which was oddly played over the top of an interview with TV host Matthew Hoffman.

The post-hardcore hip hop group then released a brand new LP in May called Bottomless Pit, bringing the incredible and unique Death Grips style to their cult of fans once again.

The new video for their track Giving Bad People Good Ideas features the death of a single shoe. The shoe sings lyrics from the track as it is slowly torn apart and tied up. God only knows what any of it means, but in the meantime you can check it out below.

Watch: Death Grips – Giving Bad People Good Ideas

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