Images: Facebook / Getty Images/Ethan Miller

Death Grips Recruit Primus’ Les Claypool On Slap-Tastic New Song ‘More Than The Fairy’

The ever-prolific Death Grips have backed up the release of their latest album Bottomless Pit with a new track called More Than The Fairy, which features some slap-tastic bass work by Les Claypool of US rock weirdos Primus.

More Than The Fairy (below) is Death Grips at their erratic best, and comes buzzing with Zach Hill’s relentless percussion and some scratchy and slap-happy sounds from Claypool. In true Death Grips fashion, the track’s artwork also appears to feature a banana who is wearing fake teeth while balancing on an electrical cable.

Oh and if you’re wondering how “the internet’s busiest music nerd” Anthony Fantano reacted to the band’s new track, here’s how…

Lose your shit to More Than The Fairy, below.

Listen: Death Grips – More Than The Fairy (feat. Les Claypool)

Death Grips - More Than The Fairy (feat. Les Claypool)

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