Domeyko/Gonzalez collaborate with artist James Kerr

Started a while back now, No Way Back is a collaborative art project where local live electronic outfit Domeyko/Gonzalez have composed a piece of music to accompany the upcoming debut solo exhibition from local James Kerr, set to open this Thursday at the General Store for Contemporary Art, at Suite 101B, 77 – 83 William Street East Sydney. Kerr’s collages, making use as they do of images taken from popular media from generations past, are mirrored in the sample based composition by Domeyko/Gonzalez, the minimalism of the images also reflected in the ambient nature of the music.

Well known for their widely varying live shows, performances ranging from tightly rehearsed beat driven and synth laced post-rock epics to ephemeral bouts of textural improvisation or ear-spitting noise, this performance promises to showcase the more experimental side of the band. The piece will also be released in a limited edition 12″ vinyl pressing, available through Death Strobe Records.

If you’ve never seen the band here’s some footage of what the ‘normal’ show looked like a year or so ago, and here’s a recording of an improvised show they did a few weeks ago at The Vanguard.

James Kerr: No Way Back

w Domeyko/Gonzalez

Opening night Thursday 19th May, 6:00 – 9:00 pm

General Store for Contemporary Art

Suite 101B, 77 – 83 William Street East Sydney

Tel: +61 (0) 414 844 365 /

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