Don’t Let Fall Out Boy Delete U2 Off Your iPhone

Public outcry following U2‘s, likely ill-advised, decision to publish their new album Songs of Innocence directly to users’ iTunes libraries has already forced Apple to launch an instruction page on how to delete it. Some though, might still be a bit unsure about the process, and for those desperate people, Fall Out Boy are here to help. Sort of. Not really, actually.

FOB were on Jimmy Kimmel Live to plug their new tune Centuries, but the band also took to the streets to help an innocent bystander, Enrique, free up some space on his iPhone, after it was surreptitiously clogged with Songs Of Innocence without his consent. Judging by his reaction to their methods, Enrique probably wasn’t expecting this kind of solution.

In the days following the album’s surprise release, many Apple users and public figures expressed their concerns about how it was released. Such detractors include Tyler, The Creator, UK’s Entertainment Retailers Association chairman Paul Quirk and Sharon Osbourne, who classed the album’s appearance in her iTunes library as an “invasion” of her “private space”.

Kimmel can see the irony in the situation, though. “We’re constantly downloading music illegally because iTunes charges too much, then Apple finally gives us one for free and we want them to take it back,” he smirked. “Poor Bono’s weird sunglasses are soaked with tears right now.”

Check out the clip, and Fall Out Boy’s performance of new single Centuries, below.

Watch: Fall Out Boy Helps You Get Rid of That U2 Album

Watch: Fall Out Boy – Centuries (Jimmy Kimmel Live)

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