Drake Jumps On ‘Hotline Bling’ Parody Bandwagon For Superbowl Commercial

Drake has teamed up with US mobile service carrier T-Mobile for a tongue in cheek Superbowl ad parodying the rapper’s massive 2015 hit Hotline Bling. Get it? The song is about telephones and the ad is for telephones. Much funny.

It is a little more involved than that however, with the premise of the add being that a bunch of T-Mobile executives are giving Drizzy feedback on how to make the Hotline Bling lyrics more T-Mobile specific.

“These changes don’t ruin the song at all”, Drake grins as he listens suggestions like “when you say ‘you used to call me on my cellphone’ just add device eligible for upgrade after 24 months.”

With the Superbowl ad slot being the most expensive ad time on US television, it’s not uncommon to see big names pop up in these things. And let’s face it, you don’t get much bigger Drake.

And while it is a bit of shame to see him “sell out” like this,  Drake manages to steal the show (and my heart, swoon) with effortless charm and charisma. I guess all the practice he had on Degrassi: The Next Generation payed off in the end.

Anyway watch the ad for yourself here and enjoy.



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