Drones & High Tension Supergroup Tropical Fuck Storm Drop Debut Single ‘Chameleon Paint’

The fabulously named supergroup Tropical Fuck Storm combines the talents of Gareth Liddiard and Fiona Kitschin from The Drones, High Tension‘s Lauren Hammel and Eric Dunn from Palm Springs & Harmony, and now, we officially know what they sound like.

This tropical fuck storm (of talent) have just dropped their very first single, dubbed ‘Chameleon Paint’, and it’s a tripped-out mid-tempo piece of art-punk-psych-experimental-rock madness.

Liddiard explains that the foreboding tune was inspired by the “stacks-on phenomenon” of online shaming and trolling, “The all-too-familiar cycles of internet outrage and sanctimoniousness.”

“It feels like a turning point in history,” he says. “As technology speeds up. The internet distorts reality and dehumanises relationships, and makes everyone crazy.

“It’s a bullshit, out of focus place where everyone is the worst version of themselves. Facebook and Instagram keep you glued to the screen, melt your brain and turn you into an idiot so they can sell shit to you. That͛s the climate in my head; that͛s why I write all this doom and gloom.”

The track will be released on the first of many limited edition 7″ vinyl, alongside B-side single ‘Mansion Family’ — a cover of Melbourne band The Nation Blue — from 22nd September, and FYI both were recorded in Liddiard and Kitschin’s home studio.

TFS have revealed that each of their singles will be released in this way, on a 7″ record with a B-side featuring “songs we love and wish we had written”.

But for now, you can wrap your ears around ‘Chameleon Paint’ below.

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