Emo Kylo Ren Is Back On Twitter

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a First Order commander who had a lot of feelings.

In light of Star Wars: The Last Jedi hitting cinemas this week (no spoilers plz), the Force has awakened Twitter’s Emo Kylo Ren from his carbonite-like slumber, and he is back spurting moody teen angst with a sith-like vengeance.

ICYMI: two years ago when The Force Awakens came out, some anonymous but highly skilled LOLjedi created a parody Twitter account, reimagining the film’s helmeted bad guy as an emo kid, and the results made us all laugh hard enough to Sith our pants.

Emo Kylo Ren posted brooding tweets from the Dark Side about his life as a non-Rebel conformist, covering his various struggles from pursuing Darth Vader’s legacy to basic haircare.

And now, after a mysterious Luke Skywalker-like disappearance, he has returned to fulfil his destiny. And whine constantly about his parents.

Check out his new tweets, alongside some older gems, below.

WARNING: may give away elements of plot and tips for expertly applying guyliner.

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