Fiona Apple Offers Onstage Apology For Arrest Fiasco

What could have been a simple slap on the wrist has escalated into an exciting back-and-forth between Hudspeth County Sheriff’s Office and the outspoken Fiona Apple. Last week Apple was taken into custody after admitting to being responsible for a small amount of weed and hash found by police on her tour bus.

For taking the ‘high’ road Apple spent a night in lockup before continuing on with her US tour in support of current record The Idler Wheel…. The incident might have been quickly forgotten soon after, but Apple’s first concert out of the clink quickly became an internet sensation thanks to the singer accusing four officers of treatment that was, “inappropriate and probably illegal”.

“I heard everything you did, I wrote it all down, with your names, with everything you did or said stupidly thinking that I couldn’t hear or see you… I’ll make you fucking famous, anytime you ask and I’ll open up those boxes,” Apple warned while onstage.

Texans aren’t known for taking things lying down and HCSD Public Information Officer Rusty Fleming fired back at Apple on behalf of the Hudspeth County Sheriff’s Office. Via a public statement Fleming informed Apple that she was already plenty famous and perhaps the solo artist should “just shut-up and sing”.

For those following the story, the next question became ‘will Apple respond as promised and make public the names of officers who allegedly behaved inappropriately?’. However, rather than further berate the Texan officers, Apple opted to apologise for the whole fiasco. As reported by Diffuser, Apple took the time during her set in New Orleans at the House of Blues to diffuse the situation and put the focus back on the music.

“I’m really sorry … All the work we did is being overshadowed by this bullshit,” Apple informed the New Orleans crowd, “There are no fucking lock boxes. I didn’t make up a code. It was my way to make a parallel between the self. I am not that fucked up.”

It’s a somewhat anticlimactic finish to the saga, but nonetheless perhaps now we can get back to talking about Apple’s acclaimed new album The Idler Wheel….

Watch: Fiona Apple – Onstage Apology

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