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First Order Comedian Creates Hilarious Twitter Account Reimagining The New Star Wars Bad Guy As An Emo Kid

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, a First Order commander had a lot of feelings.

Turns out Kylo Ren is not only sensitive to the force, he’s just plain sensitive, not that you could possibly understand what he’s going through.

One of the internet’s most formidable LOLjedi has created a parody Twitter account, reimagining the helmeted bad guy from Star Wars: The Force Awakens as an emo kid, and the results will make you laugh so hard you just might Sith your pants.

Emo Kylo Ren posts brooding tweets from the Dark Side about his life as a non-Rebel conformist, covering his various struggles from pursuing Darth Vader’s legacy to basic haircare.

Check out some of his best tweets below.

WARNING: may give away elements of the plot and tips for expertly applying guyliner.

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