Watch: Florence Welch Breaks Up Fight At Concert

Although you wouldn’t expect it, Florence Welch stopped her concert in order to ensure one fan’s safety after an alleged fight broke out during one of her shows. Quite surprisingly, Florence ceased singing and enquired, “Are you alright, my love?”, after she spotted a young girl in the audience crying after she had been pushed around. The girl, who looks about twelve, was clearly distraught, and somewhat claustrophobic as she was surrounded by adults looming over her.

Now before some source of intelligence deems it necessary to state that a child should not have been in the standing section of the crowd, you hardly expect any form of unpleasantness to occur during You’ve Got the Love or Shake It Out – it’s hardly Enter Sandman or BYOB is it? Alas, there is always that one dude in the crowd who thinks he is at Download Festival. Regardless, showing that she holds her fans’ safety above all else, Mrs Welch fulfilled her motherly duties, earning a gold star for her efforts.

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