Last Saturday the Foo Fighters told us we’d be seeing them “sooner than you think”. Well, it looks like Dave Grohl and co weren’t lying. Tour company Frontier Touring have posted a link to a page SomethingNothingOzNz, filled with cryptic clues which seem to suggest, in the strongest possible terms, an impending Foo Fighters’ Australian and New Zealand tour announcement.
The first big clue is the page name. Something From Nothing is the name of the Foos’ new single, which dropped earlier today. Then we have the attached FB image, which displays lyrics from the new Foos track. Such hints.
From here things become less obvious, but we’ve got your back. The next best clue is a clip of Johnny Cash performing Aussie bush ballad Waltzing Matilda. Cash addresses the camera and says, ever so cooly, “Hello, all my friends in Australia. We’ll be seeing you next March and April.” That may not mean what you think it means, but it’s interesting, no?
After performing, and translating, Waltzing Matilda for an American audience, Cash rattles off a list of capital cities. “Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Brisbane.” Straight from the Man in Black’s mouth? We’re not saying we don’t know, but we think we don’t know. We don’t know.
Other clues include an image of former Governor of NSW Richard Bourke, who also happened to approve a rather large new settlement on the Yarra River back in the day. There’s also a clip of the All Blacks performing a haka. Pretty sure that’s NZ.
The most cryptic clue is an image with the number 7000. Are the Foo Fighters heading to Hobart? They did say they’d be playing smaller venues this tour! Doesn’t appear to be any hints on Perth yet, but knowing the Foo Fighters WA won’t be left out. Or they might be. Who knows? Not us.
Frontier Touring are also offering the chance to “win very first two tickets” to whatever they’re spruiking, provided you “share your own creative clue on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram”. CREATIVE. CLUE. And don’t forget to add the hashtag #somethingoznz or #nothingoznz and mention @frontiertouring so they don’t miss it.
Remember, you can tune in to see the first episode of Foo Fighters’ doco series Sonic Highways tomorrow at 4:30pm on GO! Now let’s all listen to some new Foos because FUCK YEAH NEW FOO FIGHTERS!