Image: GoFundMe

GoFundMe Account Set Up To Help Pay Kanye West’s $53 Million Debt

Some kind hearted soul has set up a GoFundMe account for Kanye West, following the rapper’s Twitter rants claiming to be $53 million in debt and begging mark Zuckerberg for billions in invest to help him continue “to bring dope shit into the world.”

While TMZ reports that debt is more of a tally of how much money Kanye has poured into his own fashion and music enterprises ($40 million on Yeezy fashion alone), that didn’t stop GoFundMe user Jeremy Piatt from setting up the campaign and asking people to open their ‘hearts and wallets’ to Kanye.

“Kanye West, prolific entertainer/fashion icon/celebrity/member of the Kardashian family needs our help!,” Piatt pleads.

“Recently, Kanye let us in on his personal struggle. He is 53 million dollars in debt and it doesn’t look like he’s going to get Mark Zuckerberg’s help that he desperately needs,” he continues, acknowledging that while Kanye may be “personally rich and can buy furs and houses for his family… without our help, the true genius of Kanye West can’t be realized.”

For Piatt it is not so much an issue of charity, as supporting art, calling on GoFundMe users to “be the Medici Family to Kanye” as he has “told us time and time again he is the ‘greatest living artist and greatest artist of all time'” and “great artists need to be supported financially to achieve their full potential.”

“To quote Mr. West, ‘I am Warhol. I am the number one most impactful artist of our generation. I am Shakespeare in the flesh. Walt Disney. Nike. Google. Now who’s gonna be the Medici family and stand up and let me create more!'”

At the time of writing the campaign had raised a scant $227 dollars on the way to its goal of $53 millions, and it’s mainly from jokesters posing as Mark Zuckerberg and Taylor Swift, the latter thanking Kanye for all his help.

And while you might think this is nothing but a cynical cash grab on the part of Piatt, as he has made clear in an update, he’d rather GoFundMe hand the cash directly to Kanye’s people.

“I’d like to update everyone and let you know that I don’t want a penny from this. I would like everything to go to Kanye. Since he is such a high profile public figure, I would prefer to have GoFundMe transfer all funds to his people directly.  ”

It really brings a tear to your eye to such a generosity in Kanye’s time of need. If you want to help Yeezy get back in the black you can donate here.

And while we’re still waiting for the updated, full version of his new album The Life Of Pablo (TLOP) to be unveiled, again, read our review of it’s first iteration.

Elsewhere in Kanye news, an Australian media agency has claimed responsibility for a Virgin Australia tweet which told rapper Yeezy to “eat a dick” yesterday, after people on social media praised the tweet for its honesty.

Update 18/02/2016: Stephen Colbert has hilariously picked apart Kanye West’s debt problem.

Listen: Kanye West – 30 Hours

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