Good Guy Krispy Kreme Offers Free Donuts To Sad Matt Corby Fans In Sydney

Are you a broken-hearted Matt Corby fan living in Sydney or thereabouts? Great news! Now you can eat your feelings, thanks to your bro Krispy Kreme.

Sick lad.

Swinging to the rescue with a serving of double-glazed solace, Krispy Kreme is offering free donuts to fans who’ve been left grief-stricken after the Corbster cancelled his Sydney shows due to illness.

That’s right. Now you can fill the gaping void that is your soul with fried dough, whipped cream and powdered sugar thanks to the Koolest donut company in the bizz.

Alls you gotta do is rock up to any Krispy Kreme store in NSW before midnight tonight (soz 7/11 doesn’t count) and present your Matt Corby ticket to receive a fresh Original Glazed on the hiz-ouse.

Why the fuck is this even happening? Who cares! Didn’t you hear FREE DONUTS!

Plus, according to Krispy Kreme Aus CEO Andrew McGuigan, Corby is apparently a big fan:

“We know Matt Corby has a huge love for doughnuts so can only hope our small gesture for fans will bring some joy to an otherwise grey and rainy Sydney day! We are wishing Matt a huge ‘get well soon’ from the whole team at Krispy Kreme and have also sent him some American Classics to hopefully aid recovery.”

Krispy’s bizarre but undeniably delicious offer comes after the dessert giant launched its own range of jukebox donut boxes that come with their very own Spotify playlists.

Matt Corby has rescheduled his 13th April Sydney show for 29th July at the same venue. Refunds will be offered to those that can’t make the new date. Catch all the tour details here below.

Matt Corby Telluric Tour 2016

Tuesday 12th April – RESCHEDULED
Enmore Theatre, Sydney
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Wednesday 13th AprilRESCHEDULED
Enmore Theatre, Sydney
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Sunday, 17th April
Civic Theatre, Newcastle
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Monday, 18th April
Llewellyn Theatre, Canberra
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Wednesday 20th April
QPAC Theatre, Brisbane
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Thursday 28th April
Thebarton Theatre, Adelaide
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Sunday 1st May
Palais Theatre, Melbourne
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Monday 2nd May
Palais Theatre, Melbourne
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Wednesday 4th May
Enmore Theatre, Sydney
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Thursday 5th May
Riverside Theatre, Perth
Tickets: On Sale 9am 12th February

Friday 29th July
Enmore Theatre, Sydney
Tickets: Matt Corby

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