Guy Sebastian Is Now Playing Splendour In The Grass

A wild Guy Sebastian will appear live onstage at Splendour in the Grass this weekend.

And in other news, hell hath frozen over.

That’s right, the orig Aus Idol‘s evolution from Oddish manufactured popstar to Vileplume legitimate hipster-bonafide artiste will be complete when he steps on to Splendour’s Tiny Dancer stage to belt out a tune in front of a crowd made up of thousands of fans who aren’t middle-aged mums.

Sebastian will perform as a special guest during Paces‘ set on Saturday, which kicks off at 5.55pm sharp.

The Gold Coast dance master just announced Guy’s imminent Splendour cameo via a Twit-pic, which also heavily implied that he’d be joined by hip-hop pocket rocket Tkay Maidza (and possibly his own pet dog? You act like Dicko and be the judge)

Anyhoo, the news comes after Sebastian turbo-charged his indie swag by gatecrashing the triple J studios to perform an LDRU cover with Paces for Like A Version back in May.

But the most interesting development to come out of this whole thing will no doubt be the reaction from fans of Sebastian’s arch-nemesis Shannon Noll, who launched a petition to get the Condobolin sheep wrangler to play Splendour earlier this year, which tragically fell on deaf ears.

Poor Nollsy.

Watch: Paces covers LDRU Keeping Score Ft. Guy Sebastian for Like A Version

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