Hear Bluejuice Frontman Jake Stone’s Debut Solo Single ‘Trick Of The Light’

The glittering gold spandex of his Bluejuice days may be in the rearview mirror (*sob*), but frontman Jake Stone‘s star is far from done shining.

The Sydney tunemason has returned with his first new track since the Juice’s 2014 breakup. Dubbed Trick Of The Light, it’s certainly a sight for sore ears.

There’s a familiar, friendly Bluejuice vibe about the jaunty, up-tempo rhythms, ’70s-style synths and disco-funk melodies on this toe-tapping little ditty, but it’s also packing plenty of fun new production tricks that propel it forward into 2016.

That’s despite the fact that Stone’s had the track in the can for almost six whole years prior to releasing it today, enlisting the help of his old Bluejuice touring buddies Dan Farrugia and Alex Gooden, along with Dan Williams from Art vs Science, to bring it to life.

“[Dan] played all the drums and chopped up the samples as well as doing some additional production,” Jake tells Hhhhappy, who premiered the track. “He wrote some lyrics too, he doesn’t really sing so this is actually his debut performance as a singer.”

The ever-evolving producer and songwriter has also revealed that he’s got a shitload of other new material in the can: “Probably 12 songs we wrote in awkward stages, and plus I have multiple songs that could work,” he says.

But as for whether he’ll be releasing it as a solo act or part of a brand new band, Jake confesses, “Your guess is as good as mine! I just want to get it out. I haven’t thought about it. I just want the song out.”

Listen to Jake Stone’s solo debut Trick Of The Light below, and just try not to smile like an idiot as you do so.

Welcome back, m8.

Listen: Jake Stone – ‘Trick Of The Light’

Jake Stone – Trick Of The Light by Happy

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