Image: Acdc.Com

Hear (Ex?) AC/DC Frontman Brian Johnson Perform A New Song With Comedian Jim Breuer

Brian Johnson may be sitting out the rest of AC/DC‘s world tour but that doesn’t mean it’s rock or bust.

The veteran singer has just lent his wail to a new song from SNL comedian Jim Breuer’s debut solo album Songs From The Garage.

BJ appears on two tracks on the disc, including one called Mr Rock N Roll (below), which is part-AC/DC, part 80’s hair metal with a chorus riff that contains slight traces of Anthrax.

Which makes sense, because former Anthrax guitarist Rob Caggiano also produced, engineered and played on the album.

Lyrically, it could be considered a bit of a “fuck you” to Acca Dacca, with Brian Johnson delivering a “message for the non-believers” about just how RNf’nR he is.

Then again, it could also just be the most cliché rock song of all time, complete with references to dynamite, fire, poker, fast cars, shots, money, raising hell and rhyming “soul” with “rock n roll” #genius.

Plus, Johnson recorded the tracks last year, long before he was sidelined from AC/DC’s Rock Or Bust tour with hearing issues.

Speaking of which, Breuer caused somewhat of a brouhaha after the whole thing went down, stating publicly that BJ had been “kicked to the curb” by his Angus Young & co (the jury’s still out on that one).

Johnson’s future with AC/DC currently remains unknown, but the iconic screecher has promised to continue recording music and working to improve his hearing in the hopes of one day performing live again.

Meanwhile, Acca Dacca are polishing off their world tour with Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose behind the microphone, who’s also made it clear that he’s keen to join the band permanently.

Play your dad Brian Johnson’s musical collab with Jim Breuer below. He’ll love it.

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