Hear Steel Panther’s Cock Rockin’ New Tune ‘Anything Goes’

Steel Panther have returned to stuff our stockings full of cock rock just in time for the festive season.

The venereal disease-dodging spandex wearers have just dropped a brand new tune dubbed Anything Goes, hot off their forthcoming fourth LP Lower The Bar, down our proverbial chimneys.

It’s an absolute fest of eighties riffage and Van Hagar synths featuring Thin Lizzy-style guitarmonies and trademark cheeky lyrics about Charlie Sheen, unicorns and hand grenades, which you can sing along to courtesy of its psychedelic lyric video (below).

As a prezzie to Fanthers, Michael Starr, Satchel, Stix and Lexxi have offered up the track as a free download to those who pre-order their new LP on iTunes, along with the disc’s first single/“sexified” Cheap Trick cover She’s Tight.

However, the release date of the disc has been pushed back a month, on account of drummer Stix Zadinia recently checking out of rehab after battling alcohol addiction.

“After months of touring the world, my taste for whiskey and chipotle finally got the better of me and my stomach,” the beatman says. “I’d like to apologize to my friends, family, and especially Satchel, whose bottom bunk on the tour bus was on the receiving end of my many blacked out bouts of explosive diarrhea. Now that I’ve had time to clear my mind, and my intestines, I can get back to doing lines with all of you on the upcoming 2017 Girls in a Row Tour.”

Fanthers will be able to get their claws on Lower The Bar – the follow-up to SP’s 2014 chart topper All You Can Eat – when it drops on Friday, 24th March 2017.

And ICYMI: Steel Panther also recently signed a deal to star in a brand new comedy series about their favourite thing: themselves.

But for now, get your ears on Anything Goes below, alongside Lower The Bar‘s official artwork and track listing, which features such choice song titles as Poontang Boomerang and Red Headed Step Child.

Watch: Steel Panther — ‘Anything Goes’ [Lyric Video]

Steel Panther - Anything Goes (Lyric Video)

‘Lower The Bar’ Track Listing

1. Goin’ In The Backdoor

2. Anything Goes

3. Poontang Boomerang

4. That’s When You Came In

5. Wrong Side Of The Tracks (Out In Beverly Hills)

6. Now The Fun Starts

7. Pussy Ain’t Free

8. Waster Too Much Time

9. I Got What You Want

10. Walk Of Shame

11. She’s Tight

12. Red Headed Step Child

13. Momentary Epiphany

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