Here’s What Your Fave Hottest 100 Tracks Sound Like With Justin Bieber Vocals

The local producer responsible for putting Taylor Swift vocals all over a stack of triple j Hottest 100 tracks last year is at it again. This time, Perth’s Jaymee Franchina has coated 100 Hottest 100 favourites with Justin Bieber vocals in a new mixtape, and it’s guaranteed to rustle some feathers.

Update: Click here for triple J Hottest 100 2015 Live Updates & Winners

Sampling the vocal lines from Bieber tracks like What Do You Mean?, Baby and Sorry, Franchina bravely edits Beibs into songs like Chet Faker’s Talk Is Cheap, Powderfinger’s (Baby I’ve Got You) On My Mind, Daft Punk’s Get Lucky and The White Stripes’ Seven Nation Army. In parts the mixtape works well, but it’s not seamless, obviously — Bieber doesn’t sit easily with everything.

Franchina tells Music Feeds his friends challenged him to back up his Taylor Swift Hottest 100 mixtape with a Bieber one over the weekend, and completed the challenge in only 48 hours.

“After finishing my gig at 3am I raced home and started working on the mixtape, and I have not slept since Friday night besides the one hour I feel asleep at my studio desk,” he says.

Franchina says he accepted his friends’ challenge because he likes challenging himself, but admits the process wasn’t a smooth one. “There was a point I nearly threw my Mac at the wall cause it was so difficult to construct this one,” he says.

“I had different motivation this year. I love Taylor Swift and she is everything. As for Justin Bieber, he is just a lord at what he does and I respect the progression he’s made with his music career.”

Franchina’s Taylor Swift mixtape saw a solid serving of backlash last year, and he’s expecting it again this year. “There are always haters out there and they are going to hate hate hate,” he says. “But positivity in comparison to negativity has always outweighed nine to one.”

The artwork for Franchina’s Bieber mixtape comes plastered with the #Bieber4Hottest100 hashtag, and for good reason. Triple j, which has a ‘troll’ clause for the Hottest 100 to prevent a repeat of the controversial #Tay4Hottest100 campaign, also threatened to implement a Bieber ban after Beliebers began voting in this year’s poll.

With that in mind, Franchina’s Bieber mixtape can be streamed in full below, and the complete list of tracks used is available at his Bandcamp page.

The final result of the Hottest 100 of 2015 will arrive on Australia Day, but ‘The Tepid 100’ and a passionate “Hottest 100 enthusiast” are both confident that they’ve already figured out the likely winners.

Voting for the Hottest 100 of 2015 is still open at the triple j website, but only for a few more days.

Listen: Justin Bieber Vs Triple J Hottest 100 Mixtape

Gallery: 12 Things We Learned From Triple J’s Hottest 100 Of 2014

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